To enter out into that silence that was the city at eight o'clock of a misty evening in November, to put your feet upon that buckling concrete walk, to step over grassy seams and make your way, hands in pockets, through the silences, that was what Mr. Leonard Mead most dearly loved to do.
Shaping Our Future is a Strategy to guide the future development of Northern Ireland to 2025 and help meet the needs of a fast growing Region with a population approaching two million.
Based in Vienna, Austria, we offer high-quality typography and typeface design, providing typographic work from Fonts to Lettering for logos and branding.
Lottie Creator is designed to create ultra-lightweight, highly customizable and interactive animations for web, apps and social. Supercharged with AI-based Motion Copilot.
Remove Paywall works by allowing users to search various internet archives. These archived pages do not require a
login and prevent users from being tracked.
The BBC Sound Effects Archive is available for personal, educational or research purposes. There are over 33,000 clips from across the world from the past 100 years.