
and bookmarks…

pic: WorldMegan

Saville Row - Pt1. love thy neighbour

A BBC documentary in three parts which sheds light on the work and business of the tailoring houses of Savile Row in London. 2009.

Ken Isaacs

“I couldn’t help wondering why people had to shackle themselves to some kind of corporate clerkship for twenty years to get the money for a home in the country,”

99% of big projects fail

An economist who spent decades studying ’megaprojects’ has some advice for getting them right: Think slow, act fast and build brick by tiny plastic brick.

Papanek – Big Character Poster No. 1

Victor J. Papanek's Big Character Poster No. 1: Work Chart for Designers (1973, drafted in 1969).

Saul Bass Matchbooks

Saul Bass designed matches from 1965, for Ohio Match Co. Purchased, photographed, sold by P&C.


Photographer, retoucher, art director and ultimate nerd, Docubyte is James Ball; a design and technology obsessive working under the pseudonym.

Merchant & Mills

The decision was made put style to work in our presentation and packaging, as a language that would attract the very people that had hitherto overlooked sewing.

Miltag x Helvetica

A collaboration between the type foundry and the London cycling clothing brand has birthed a capsule collection celebrating the world’s most famous typeface.

Our mission is simple. We want to make quality mounts that display and protect the stuff you love. Getting out the door and coming home are parts of the ride that are easy to ignore, but play a big role in how you enjoy your time on the bike.

Re Pak

RePack is a reusable and returnable packaging service. It's an investment to your customer experience.

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