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pic: WorldMegan


Foundations – Why Britain has stagnated Setting the scene. Here are some facts to set the scene about the state of the British economy.

Work In Progress

Works in Progress is a magazine of new and underrated ideas to improve the world.


This paper offers a number of conclusions that policy makers would do well to heed in an election year. In the context of moves to devolve decision-making powers to cities and localities, an opportunity is identified to take a much more ambitious stance than has hitherto been possible

On A Road to Nowhere? Military Urbanism and the Architecture of Segregation

For example, the “Westlink” section of highway, which forms a physical “cordon sanitaire” alongside west Belfast, significantly reduced connectivity to the city center

One False Move

in 1971, we found that 80 per cent of 7 and 8 year old children were allowed to go to school on their own. By 1990, this figure had dropped to 9 percent.


In Radburn the entire layout was predicated on cul-de-sacs and the street network was confined to history.

Gordon Cullen Archive

Gordon Cullen, an alumnus and renowned illustrator, urban theorist, planner and architect. Illustrator of Traffic in Towns.

A blueprint for better state investment

Until recently, the Irish State did not have to be good at investment. That’s because, before the 1990s, Ireland quietly dwindled. It didn’t have to get good at building homes and transport systems for a growing population because it had a shrinking population.

Autovia Jardín Turia

Cuando Valencia quiso construir una autovía en el Jardín del Turia. Se cumplen 35 años de la creación del jardín urbano más grande de España y pulmón verde de Valencia.

The age of average

In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid took the unusual step of hiring a market research firm. Their brief was simple. Understand what Americans desire most in a work of art.

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