ISO 216 specifies international standard (ISO) paper sizes used in most countries in the world today. It is the standard which defines the commonly available A4 paper size.
There are only a few things you need to develop your black and white film at home. Nope, you won't need a darkroom, only a little bit of space and running water.
The intent of this article is to present a list of one-time expenses for developing your own black & white film. I would guess that many people shy away from film photography because of the cost or difficulty.
All that's holding you back is the lizard. It's that little voice in the back of your head, the "but" or the "what if" that speaks up at the crucial moment and defeats the joy and insight you brought to the project in the first place.
The School of Life is a place to step back and think intelligently about these and other concerns. You will not be cornered by any dogma, but directed towards a variety of ideas - from philosophy to literature, psychology to the visual arts – that tickle, exercise and expand your mind.
Setting up a G9 to take advantage of the hyperfocal distance of its lens. In other words, good for quick street photography where everything has the appearance of being in focus.
a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular, open source JavaScript libraries. By using the google.load() method, your application has high speed
24 ways is the advent calendar for web geeks. Each day throughout December we publish a daily dose of web design and development goodness to bring you all a little Christmas cheer.