taking the mick

Every few years Hollywood make an 'Irish film'. That's usually a cue for a re-write of history, an A-list actor with an Italian or Jewish heritage and an accent so far off target that it should come with its very own passport.

dig well crop wisely

If the council of any borough, urban district, or parish are of opinion that there is a demand for allotments… in the borough, urban district, or parish,… the council shall provide a sufficient number of allotments, and shall let such allotments to persons.

charley harper

“When I look at a wildlife or nature subject, I don't see the feathers in the wings, I just count the wings. I see exciting shapes, color combinations, patterns, textures, fascinating behavior and endless possibilities for making interesting pictures”. Charles Harper.

freehand v illustrator

Lord knows I've tried, but after 15 years I'm more than ready to admit defeat. You can take illustrator and shove it where the sun don't shine!

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