
and bookmarks…

pic: WorldMegan

solspace ee plugins

ExpressionEngine modules continue to grow in complexity and functionality, we are seeing more and more third party developers writing Add-Ons that extend Solspace’s own code.

embedd audio mp3

This tutorial uses the Audio Player WordPress plugin from 1pixelout (by Martin Laine). Please download the .zip file from that site.

ee file manager

This free ExpressionEngine module provides a file manager for your control panel. Once installed, you can…


Want to rip audio from a youtube clip? Want to rip just a section of audio from a youtube clip? Dirpy's you man.

validator s.a.c.

Validator S.A.C. (Stand Alone Complex) is a stand-alone, easy to install, version of the W3C's HTML / XHTML Markup Validator for Mac OS X.


iBackup is a simple to use backup/restore utility. Backup doesn't backup the whole disk (image) but the data and settgins of a user.

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