When I quit regular 9-5 work about 18 months ago, I thought I'd set up a blog, document life as one of those new breed of dads. I'd take photographs and write about the kids as they grew up. Yeah… right!

…to sit down and enjoy a meal, to read an e-mail, time to have a phone conversation, time to fit in the job I took on
That particular plan was shelved or rather thrown in the corner under a chair, to gather dust, alongside “get into shape”, “read more”, “learn a new instrument” and a host of other well intentioned but none the less impossible notions.
The photograph above was the first and last attempt to document the “special period”. I still think photography could be squeezed in somewhere but I'm reluctant to fall into the shamaltzy kid pics that clog up the flickr pipeline with rotating invitations to join the “kids are so precious” group.
Kids, from a distance, about 10 years distance, might be precious. When faced with the relentless routine of dressing, feeding, homework, school runs, what's precious is time. Time to be able to sit down and enjoy a meal. Time to read an e-mail, time to have a phone conversation, time to fit in the job you took on.
The other pipe dreams will remain firmly stuck in the pipe but I'm resolved to document this “special” time in some way, if only to look back and take satisfaction in the fact that I actually survived it.
Dancin'-shoes taken from the flickr stream.
Peatlands train station